Abbotsmeadow is a grade C listed Georgian Villa sited in Gattonside (Melrose) in the heart of the Scottish Borders. The clients have lived in the house for over ten years and their family has grown to necessitate an extension to the current three storey villa.
There is a limited scope within the existing arrangement to function effectively as a family home, with the bedroom accommodation being limited and the kitchen located in the basement, disconnected from the rest of the house and the garden.
The building was designed to accommodate a new stone cubic volume with pitched roof, in accordance to the constrained listed building regulations, hosting a new kitchen and dining at ground floor with a close relationship to the garden, four new bedrooms at first floor and more accommodation at basement level.
Both existing villa and new volume are connected at all three stories by a narrow link piece hosting the new stairwell and service entrance, which also helps to visually connect the new and the old part of the project.
Saltire Commendation 2015