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The museum is basically a large structure to protect an archaeological excavation site of National significance to China. Using a simple arched structure to span the area of the excavation zone, this proposal creates a singular external expression and a modulating, internal spatial experience. The existing landscape is modified around the archaeological ruins and formalised to define an elliptical surface. A simple arched structure is used, spanning from the perimeter of the ellipse and onto a inner circular compression ring which sits directly over the circular burial chamber.


This emphasises the significance of the burial chamber at the heart of the ruins and also creates a highly modulated internal space. The visitor approaches the Museum from the east and at a level that gradually ascends to the same height as the archaeological ruins. The land is built-up to the south of the ruins and houses the more environmentally sensitive artefacts within. 


The visitor moves through the spaces and arrives at a pedestrian bridge which takes them over the ravine to continue on their explorations of the landscape.

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