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Saughton Park and Gardens is a hidden gem in the south west of Edinburgh. Plans are underway to restore and improve this historically important park, following their successful Round 2 HLF Parks for People Bid.

Extensive restoration of the historic Walled Garden and promotion of accessible connections to the wider City have been key to taking work forward through the bid stages. The creation of a flagship park with a new Café, Toilets and Gardeners Bothy to complement refurbishment proposals for historic walls, the Stable Block Community facility and Winter Gardens. Proposed horticulture within the park will provide the base for the Royal Caledonian Horticultural.

Significant market and events space will be provided with flexibility of future use and further increased community involvement seen as core outcomes to be delivered alongside the physical works packages. A 10yr Management & Maintenance Plan has been developed supporting the Activity Plan and engaging throughout with stakeholders, core user groups and the wider community. In addition, bids have been made to Sustrans, Scottish Government and Aviva for further upgrades to renewable energy opportunities, cycle networks, Play and Outdoor Gym provision.

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